About MindPurify

Mindpurify mission is to help everyone attain effortless simplicity, living in a state of flow which is true peace letting go

Chaos to Calm - Course 1

How to attain effortless simplicity - 6 Week - 1:1 Coaching

In this course I will meet with you online for a 1 to 1 coaching session over 6 weeks to help you attain simplicity in your life.

Here you can find out more about what this course will involve and how you can get started.


About MindPurify

I offer a unique combination of spirituality and science to shift the subconscious mind and create new neural pathways in the brain. This is new ways of thinking that bring a balance of tolerance, love and compassion which is the key to a happy mind

Chaos to Calm - Course 2

How to start living effortlessly - 6 Week Course.

Join me as I work through with you on a series of videos designed to help you start living effortlessly.

Here you can find out more about out 6 week video call course.


Search for some our most asked questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What will I learn with MindPurify?

How to control your mind, understand your unique patterns, self awareness and how to navigate yourself within the challenging world around you. Learn to feel happy despite whatever circumstances are arising if they are positive or negative. Learn how to balance and feel inner calm

How do I know what the results will be?

You will notice a shift in your patterns as new awareness will come. This in turn will make you more present and in a place of self control and self leadership. Sleeping will improve and having time for yourself to self care will become the new familiar

Will I be working with Andrea directly?

Andrea will provide all the sessions in the 1:1 package live and the group programme will be pre-recorded

Can I spread the payments?

There are incentives to pay upfront and a payment plan for 2 instalments for both programmes

What is coaching?

Coaching is an iterative, targeted, interactive process designed to facilitate concrete changes in performance—and bottom-line results. At Mindpurify, we help clients achieve their goals through powerful conversations that are intended to inspire new thinking, perceptions, and behavior that actualize your potential, improve your performance, create focus and directional clarity, support the achievement of your personal and professional goals, and enhance the quality of your life

⁠Are the sessions confidential?

There is a confidentiality policy in place. All clients are assured of confidentiality about any disclosed material, following professional codes of conduct. Safeguarding policies are also in place for the protection of children and vulnerable adults. Only in cases where clients’ welfare is deemed “at-risk” might it be necessary to contact the relevant authorities usually with the consent of the client. However, in normal cases, client confidentiality is upheld, and files are stored appropriately and destroyed according to the appropriate laws

⁠Are the sessions held online or face-to-face?

Sessions are held online over Zoom - online fits around people’s busy lives and clients enjoy the freedom that this affords

How often would we meet?

I meet with one-on-one clients once a week. This frequency yields the greatest returns in terms of change. Meeting once a week offers time for reflection and application of learning between sessions while maintaining the momentum of our work together

What is the difference between coaching and therapy?

Therapy involves working with a healthcare professional to address problematic beliefs, behaviours, relationships, or emotions. In therapy, the focus is often on managing past traumas, emotions, or behaviors. In coaching, a client works with a coach (not a healthcare professional) to design goals, identify strengths, and create an action plan for success. The coaching process is more future-oriented, with a focus on closing the gap between where you are and where you want to be in life. One of the main differences between a life coach vs. therapist is that life coaching is more action-based and focuses on accountability

  • Claire Hughes - Business Owner

    “Andrea has a calm and peaceful aura that effortlessly guides you into a deep meditation. Coupled with the Buddhist teachings which are made clear to understand, you can start to be more conscious in your everyday life and integrate the teachings to give yourself a new contented perspective.”

  • Mick - Retired Commodore and Public Relations Lead

    "Andrea consistently gives a clear and positive insight into how we can all improve our quality of life in various and widely differing scenarios. By her teachings, she convincingly persuades us to adopt pure thoughts and adjust our perspectives to become better and kinder people. "

  • Gurdeep - Head of Technology at Dudley Council

    "The training course content was very good, very interactive and a great introduction to MindPurify. Andrea was fantastic; you
    can see that she enjoys what she does and is very knowledgeable in her field.
    Andrea makes it enjoyable and comfortable."